About Me

I am a full-stack web developer with experience in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, and Redux.

Growing up in San Francisco, I worked alongside my father on construction projects, which ignited my passion for building useful objects. With San Francisco being the heart of technology, my love for technology was inevitable. I discovered that software engineering married my two great loves of building and technology, which is why I pursued a career in software engineering.

When not programming, I enjoy photography and follow Formula1 and NBA.



  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node.js
  • Javascript
  • AWS
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • HTML
  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Postgresql
  • Express.js
  • MongoDb
  • Git
  • D3.js




InfinitePx is a full-featured clone of 500px, a website for photographers to showcase their portfolio with like-minded people.

Live Site | Github


Formula1 Lap times

In this Javascript project, users can compare lap times between two drivers in any race between 1996 to 2020.

Live Site | Github



A full-featured website where users can create, share and review their favorite cocktails.

Live Site | Github


InfinitePx is a full-stack application a Ruby on Rails, React.js, and Redux.js.


  • User authentication, create an account
  • Create a post with a title, description, and appropriate tags
  • Posts to InfinitePx include an image, title, description, and appropriate tags
  • Post form includes a tag form that allows for tag search and creation
  • Click on a tag to view posts that include the same tag
  • Search for posts using the search bar
  • Follow other users and view their latest posts on the homepage
  • Browse the Discover page to view all posts to InfinitePx
screenshot screenshot screenshot

F1 Lap times

F1 Lap times is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and D3.js. D3.js is used to render and import the dataset.


  • The graph illustrates the lap times throughout a race
  • Engaging line animation
  • Line colors correspond with team colors
  • Compare any two drivers in a race
  • Choose any race for the 1996 to 2020 seasons
  • Dropdown menus are updated with the relevant selection
  • Race results are updated with every race
  • Circuit, race, and driver facts are displayed for every race
screenshot screenshot


Vodkabulary is a full-stack application built with Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose.js, React.js, and Redux.js.


  • User authentication, create an account
  • Create cocktail recipes and include an image, directions, ingredients, and alcohol category
  • Create reviews with comments and a visual star rating
  • Organized and visually pleasing UI
  • Search feature matches ingredients, category, and title
screenshot screenshot screenshot

Get in Touch with me

Email me at cristianreynoso91@gmail.com